Abstract Accepted for BCCE 2022

Dr. Burrows will be presenting at the BCCE 2022 conference: Here are the details to her session:

ABSTRACT TITLE: Exploring Student perspectives of the flipped classroom pre-class video (final paper number: BCCE 1095)
SESSION: Why and/or how do the flipped classroom influence student learning and faculty success in chemistry classes and laboratories?
SESSION TIME: 2:00 PM - 5:15 PM

DAY & TIME OF PRESENTATION: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 from 3:05 PM - 3:25 PM

SESSION: Why and/or how do the flipped classroom influence student learning and faculty success in chemistry classes and laboratories?

Jaimy Joji presents at #CLEAR22

On April 21, 2022 Jaimy Joji presented a poster at The Chemistry Laboratory: Evaluation, Assessment & Research Symposium (#CLEAR22). This poster looked at the work Jaimy did regarding Lab interviews as a form of assessment in a Biochemistry undergraduate lab. This posters can be found on the #CLEAR22 website: https://clearlabsymposium22.wordpress.com/